I miss physical people
I live in a small village in Lincolnshire.
My house is a converted barn, 200–300 years old which has been added to over the years. It was previously a granary and also a place where pigs were fed as well as the storage of farmyard machinery.
I live here with my husband and it is our only home.

The blackthorn in my hedge is starting to blossom, and the hawthorn and field maple starting to leaf
In what ways has the coronavirus pandemic changed the way you use your home?
Not much. I have a dedicated office / study so I am just working in there.
My husband is working on the sofa in the snug, which he sets up and packs away each day but neither aspect has affected how we use our home really.

This is my work station in my study / office. I'm just using it more!
How do you feel about your home? How have these feelings changed?
I love my home. However, I was in the middle of building works with a new extension, which is now on hold, so it's a shame not to be able to complete those works.
I don't feel any differently other than a bit disappointed we cannot progress decorating or completing the garden.
How does staying at home affect your relationships?
I miss physical people. Working with Teams has been good but not the same. And I've missed out on days I had planned with my family which had to be cancelled.
What do you appreciate most about your home?
That it is in the country so it is quiet and I look out onto a large garden and neighbouring fields with wildlife.

How is your sense of home affected by your neighbours or those living nearby?
Not really. My nearest neighbour is about 50m away.
Some days we see lots of people from the village (pre-C-19), especially those that have dogs as they mostly walk down the farm track past our house, and then there are times when we don't see or hear anyone for days.
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