Home Truths: Home on the Move
Join Dr Johannes Lenhard and Dr Farhan Samanani as they explore overlooked communities in the UK and Europe, and how they are reshaping the notion of home.

Home is often considered to be a fixed place. It is associated with security and belonging. But this sense of home can also cause us to turn inwards and shore up the walls, guarding against visions of threatening outsiders and worldly tumult. How might we imagine home otherwise?
From homeless migrants around Paris' Gare de Nord to the diverse streets of Kilburn in London, Dr Johannes Lenhard and Dr Farhan Samanani explore how people have been able to imagine home as a zone of connection and change. They trace the tools people have forged to find ways of becoming familiar with the unfamiliar.
Our Home Truths series will bring the two authors together to discuss their respective monographs How to Live with Each Other and Making Better Lives, sharing insight into their research and what it means to make Home.
The event will be in conversation with Gaynor Tutani, Creative Programming Officer at Museum of the Home.
The evening is an extended book launch with limited free and signed copies of the authors' works available.
About Home Truths
Home Truths is Museum of the Home’s socially engaged initiative and commitment to discuss current issues of home and home beyond the physical space.
The programme brings together writers, creatives, artists, and academics to investigate what impacts individual experiences and understanding of home in the 21st century. Homelessness, discrimination, racism, decolonisation and what they mean for today’s society are just some of the topics past Home Truths have reflected on.
The ideas behind Home Truths centre around discussions some often find difficult to face – but which are central to the experience of home, and the human experience. The idea of “truth” is often contested and subjective. Through reflection, talks, performances and more, we will amplify and highlight how these ideas of belonging vary from person to person.
Home Truths creates a deeper understanding of our society and inspire action. It is a place to learn more, take part in discussions and for us all to find ways of living better together.

About Dr Johannes Lenhard
Dr Johannes Lenhard is affiliate lecturer and researcher at the University of Cambridge. He is also the co-director of VentureESG. His monograph on people experiencing homelessness in Paris Making Better Lives and a co-authored book on diversity and inclusion in venture capital and tech Better Venture were published last year. He writes regular for a variety of journalistic outlets and also runs the non-profit CHIRN (Cambridge Homelessness Impact Research Network).

About Dr Farhan Samanani
Dr Farhan Samanani is a Lecturer in Social Justice at King's College London. His work explores how people build understanding, community and common-cause across a range of topics, from street culture to climate change. He is committed to producing research that makes a real difference, and has worked with a range of community groups, artists and organisations, from the World Bank to the Runnymede Trust, to the Kiln Theatre. He is the author of How to Live with Each Other: An Anthropologists Notes for Sharing a Divided World.

About Gaynor Tutani
Gaynor Tutani (Art Adlib) is a curator, producer and writer who merges her various arts, culture, community and educational passions to produce exhibitions, events and commentaries on art and curating. Her speciality is in public programming – hosting live performances, talks, interviews and poetry programs, of which she extends as part of her practice as the Creative Programming Officer at Museum of the Home.
Friday 12 April 2024
Museum of the Home - 136 Kingsland Road, London E2 8EA